The institution has its own central library which contains large numbers of . of books, pertaining to different courses, latest journals, technical and non technical magazines, news papers (English & Hindi).
In order help the students belonging to low income group and deprived classes the institution provide free book bank facility. More than 150 nos. of students are being benefited in each semester by this facility. Library is fully computerized and internet facility is also available.
Total no. of books : 32147
Number of Volumes : 23564
Number of Titles : 8583
Journals : 04
Magazines : 16
News Papers : 08
Total no. of books : 4484
Number no. of Titles : 568
Number of volumes : 3916
Number of students Availing
Facility : 150 per semester
- The library is fully computerized.
- In order to access the information easily about the books, Kiosk with Library Automation Software has been provided.
- The Internet Facility has been provided in library and is also connected with local area network.
- The library has also been facilitated with Photostat machine where students can get photostate copies by paying nominal amount.
- The books reservation facility has been extended to students and the faculty members.
- Latest eLRs have been procured in the library.
- The library has sufficient space and furniture to cater the needs of the students.
The Tribune
Hindustan Times